
At Innist, we strive to consistently deliver your purchase with excellent service. Our Delivery Service is more than just the safe transportation of your purchase – it’s a commitment to your satisfaction. We offer a comprehensive service designed to handle every detail and give you a seamless experience.

We want to send your order to you as soon as possible. For your convenience, when possible, all items within an order will be shipped together and we will provide an estimated delivery timeline when placing the order. While the large majority of our orders arrive within the lead times, shipping times are only able to be good faith estimates due to multiple variables during transit. For products with multiple boxes, likely, they will not be delivered at the same time, and the time interval in which both packages arrive will be 1-3 days. Please ensure that the shipping address is accurate, including the zip code, if the incorrect address error causes the package can not be delivered successfully, or results in a lost package, we are not responsible for compensation, all the consequences are borne by the client.

Standard Shipping
In-stock items usually take 24 to 48 hours to process and delivery takes between 4 to 8 business days. We typiocally use FedEx or UPS as carriers to ship large items. They delivery services are only responsible for delivery to your address. They are not obligated to help you move it into your building/room. If there is a dispute in this area, we are not responsible for resolving the issue so please plan accordingly.

Please note that we do not ship to APO’s, P.O. Boxes, Alaska, Hawaii, the Florida Keys or Puerto Rico. Freight delivery will apply only to the lower 48 states and is for curbside delivery only. 

Shipping Charges
All shipments are free of charge across the Innist website unless specifically mentioned on the product listing. If you see any shipping cost added to your order at checkout please contact us and we will look into it on a priority basis. Our carriers will make every attempt possible to accommodate customer requests for delivery dates and times but reserve the right to refuse specifics. We do not accept the cancellation of orders after the goods are processed and sent out. 

Processing Time
Orders in stock take approximately 24 – 48 hours to be processed for shipment.  The tracking number and other tracking information are provided via email within 2 – 4 business days. If you do not receive an email with your tracking information please contact us at

Delayed Delivery Service
If there is a specific timeframe when you may not be able to accept delivery, you must notify us before placing your order to discuss the possibility of delayed delivery. Once shipped we are not able to cancel or delay the shipment so please plan accordingly.

Order Status
For any order history, print receipts, and pick up tracking information and details regarding your order please us at email

Track Your Shipment:
Customer Service: 1.866.393.4585

Track Your Shipment:
Customer Service: 1.800.742.5877